Form Object

Statement of intent

Our setting believes that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our setting and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the setting. We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff. If this does not achieve the desired result, we have a set of procedures for dealing with concerns.


We aim to bring all concerns about the running of our setting to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved.



To achieve this, we operate the following complaints procedure.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5


The role of the Office for Standards in Education, Early Years Directorate (Ofsted) and the Area Safeguarding Children Committee.

National Business Unit , Ofsted, Royal Exchange Building, St Anne's Square, Manchester, M2 7LA


 Telephone 0300 123 1231

